The St. Louis Chronicles - Day 4
This conference thing has been a pretty good gig so far. I went to a session on Wednesday morning, put in some time at the booth, and then met up for lunch with a person I worked with in South Africa. We went and had St. Louis style pizza. They have deep dish here too. Here is the difference: cornmeal in the crust. Instead of just using the cornmeal to keep the dough from sticking to the pizza stone in the oven, the cornmeal goes into the crust and gives it this extra sweetness and crunch. Also, in their deep dish they put the sauce on top and they use Provel cheese, which I can't really explain except to say that it's not provolone and it's not mozzarella. My pizza though, was delicious, and I plan on eating it again. I had such a good time with my former colleague that I got locked out of my afternoon session because I got there too late and there were too many people already. Since I didn't have anything else scheduled for the af...