Trader Joe's is for Lovers

This just happened at my neighborhood Trader Joe's.

I was waiting in line behind a couple who didn't seem to be partaking in the revelry of the day.  They had had a long conversation with an elderly triathlete in front of them because the lines were out of control today.  So the triathlete checks out, and the couple steps up to the register with just a jar of cookie butter and chocolate syrup to purchase.  The cashier looks at them and says with a smile, "I see those sweet treats coming your way." Then she adds, laughingly, "but where's the ice cream?"  The gentleman in the couple responds by putting his arm tightly around his girlfriend/wife, and says, "I'm 'bout to go home and make me a sandwich.  I got some St. Patty's plans tonight."

I stepped up to the register after this and the cashier was smiling but also a bit flustered.  We were both trying to get our heads around what had just happened.  I asked the cashier if that was the strangest thing she had ever heard at the register and she said, "Well, today anyway."


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