Starting Out

Arial, such a go-to font. Too predictable.
Perhaps Courier? It's a little typewriterish, not terrible though.
Georgia, my Grandma's from there. Great peaches.
Lucida Grande, doesn't look much different.
Let's see about Trebuchet. Better, closer, warmer.
Times, I feel like I'm writing a paper. No can do.
I think I used to really like this font. not so sure about it anymore.
No one will understand webdings.

I think it's important at the outset of an undertaking like a blog to establish a theme which you enjoy and which doesn't have to be changed a lot. I have been thinking about starting one of these again. The main impoetus for actually doing it was finding out that I'll be going back abroad to teach English to French high schoolers starting in October of this year and going through April of next. I liked keeping a blog while I was in France, so I decided to have another go. I'll be able to post pictures on this one, which is good because my environment will be slightly more picturesque. I'll be in the Caribbean, specifically, Martinique. Now, maybe it's not all it's cracked up to be in photos. I have some experience living in a touristy town (Williamsburg, VA and Paris) and it has its ups and downs. But I've grown to love it. So hopefully, its status as "the little flower of the Caribbean" will negate the fact that it's only 1,060 sq km (approximately 420 square miles).
More fun facts about Martinique.


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