The World's Going Blonde!

I just got off the phone with Lauren. Lauren is my alter-ego. My friend who is the opposite of me but we just work. My best friend. She came to visit me this weekend and I have to say it was restoring. We spent a whole lot of time together just sitting around and talking and it was really really fun. Anyway.... She called because she wanted the link to my old blog from my year in France (referred to as "le Métropole" in Martinique) and while I was searching for it, we started reminiscing. When we do that, it almost always ends up with me groaning and her laughing hysterically. This time, we both ended up laughing. When I found it, I sent the link to her and then we both started reading the entry about when she visited me in Paris together. I just started laughing because my GOSH what a crazy trip that was. I mean, seriously, read the entry for yourself (date: April 14, 2004). It was crazy. So we're reading over it and laughing and then we say bye and hang up. I'm left to ponder how utterly seminal that year of my life was. Not only seminal but just blessed and amazing and every other adjective to convey awesomeness that exists. I would be so different if I hadn't done it. and I'm beginning to feel that call again. I have never been able to shake it since I got back from London my freshman year of high school. I yearn to travel. YEARN for it. I want to see everything everywhere. Then my Gmail chat window blinks and I see that Miss Feliz has messaged me. "Dude, I have an idea" Coming from Lauren, this is not always something I want to hear. But I got the feeling magic was about to happen. She proceeded: 

  lauren: we travel the world and even though i dont write i'll provide material and funny anecdotes for you to write about good idea no?
  me: love it!! 
  me: we could have something about being blonde in the title.... 
  lauren: when i get a job at the random house inc. and work with fodor's i'll slyly suggest it The World's Going Blonde 
  me: The World's Going Blonde!! It's PERFECT
  lauren: not only am i anecdotally funny, im clever too ;) and thats totally not how you spell it, but yeah me: no seriously we HAVE to write a book together called that .......... 

 Now, though Lauren is natural blonde, like myself, she has changed her color and length many times over the years. I have so many pictures of her with different hairstyles. I would how many I would get if I counted.... Mine has remained straight and long and pretty much unchanged since high school. My mom pleaded with me never to do anything to it during my middle school years when dying it ridiculous colors and hacking it off seemed like amazing ways to establish my individuality and discover myself. Oh teenagers. Thankfully I listened to my mother and never did anything to it except cut it short at the end of 8th grade. Blondeness is something Lauren and I share, but Lauren's blondeness is a completely different kind. It's a bit like how we fit together as people. There is a tie that binds but it's not always apparent and sometimes completely non-existent to anyone who doesn't know us. I feel that with our powers combined (go ahead, we all know you're finishing the line and singing the theme song) we might actually be able to come up with something that isn't terrible to read. Lauren has enough "cohones" for the both of us and I can put words together in an intelligible manner. I even enjoy it. Great idea alter-ego. Let's go for it. Look out world.


Unknown said…
I say old girl, we HAVE to be the most brilliant blondes out there... and insane... but I think it could really work.

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