
Fridays I spend four hours at LP Bateliere, working in conjunction with the teachers who are there. Today, I showed up, after not being there last week because of the robbery and having to go do the report at the police station and it taking 3 hours...

I think the teachers were taking it out on me for not being there last week, even though I had called and told them that I was stuck at the police station and updated them on the situation until finally I just said I wouldn't make it. They did not extend this same courtesy to me when absolutely none of them showed up today. Yet, the classes were still there, ready and waiting. Well, kind of.

Every week they change the rooms on me and I have to go searching for the students who, of course, don't want to be found by the lowly assistant who's not really a teacher. And now this week it was worse because I had no teacher authority with me in the room as I usually do, so they were terribly behaved. National AIDS recognition day was today, a blessing and a curse. It made classes a little shorter because there were flyers being distributed and little skits and information sessions between classes. Condoms were distributed. One of my students decided it would be fun to blow up condoms like balloons while I was writing stuff on the board. There are those times when I feel like seriously taking that group of guys who was laughing hysterically when I saw it and beating them senseless, or running out of the classroom and never coming back, but this time I was blessed with a comeback. A good comeback. It happens so rarely and I thank God that it was today. I needed it. So I saw the inflated condom on the floor, made a face, and the class erupted in laughter. It was clear that it had come from the group of guys who refuse to shut up ever, and talk very loudly while other kids are trying to learn. So I said, after letting them enjoy it for a second, "So, no need for any condoms huh?" and it was simple enough and I said it right with the right tone of voice and the whole class laughed at HIM this time. They got my meaning. Thank you Lord for that, because if I hadn't recovered I would have lost them for the entire rest of the year.

I have one good class. I teach them the last hour from 11:30 to 12:30. They like me and I like them. They are a very small group and they always participate and are fun. But it's not enough to make me not dread Fridays.

It's been a pretty bad week weather wise here. Lots of rain and heavy winds almost all day, with short breaks only. I'm hoping that it will be better tomorrow because I'm hoping to get to the beach. It's been great having a car. I love being able to go home or go grocery shopping or go straight to work and not be at the mercy of the terrible bus. I haven't made too much use of it for making large excursions yet because I have to say, my spirit is still a little defeated and I'm just sticking the tips of my toes back in the water, testing it. There is a party tomorrow night that I'm really looking forward to, and this is the last full week of classes before I go home as well. I will only see my Tuesday classes twice before I go, the rest only once.

I still have Caribbean Christmas shopping to do. Send requests! Return date is Dec. 14th and my cell phone will be in operation. Can't wait to see/hear from you all.


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