Wish List

Dear friends and family,

I have way too much time on my hands and am in desperate need of recycled books and movies for entertainment. I will most likely be unable to bring whatever is sent back, so think of it as a donation to me, and future English language assistants in Martinique who are bored when they don't have a car to get anywhere or are out of gas money. I am about to break into the Margaret Atwood and Janet Evanovich novels left here by those behind me, but I don't think they look very good. Anyway, if you all have any good books you would like to pass on to me, I would love it. Even if you just e-mail me a list of good books you have read, I would love to try some new ones, see what people are reading these days.

Address to send them to:

Karla Petty
Chez Madame Ponremy
Petit Berry
97212 St. Joseph

Thanks a bunch!


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