The National Cemetary

Another doozy from Harry today:

"I just found out 'bout 3 years ago they took 'way some of Genr'l Lee's backyard to make the national cem'tary and bury some o' 'dem YANKS in it. If I'da known 'bout dat I'da been laying down in front o' dem dozers!"

When I told him that both my father and mother were born in the South and that my grandad was in the army, they all earned instant validation. I was, however, excluded from this validation because I'm a "rebellious young'n" and I don't have an accent. Also, he regards Northern Virginia as somewhat hedonistic and a departure from the true roots of everything south of the Mason-Dixon line.

When asked where the group that is coming in today is from, I replied that I didn't know. He then proceeded to make some very derogatory comments and sweeeping generalizations about people from different parts of the eastern seabord. And to tell me that he'd appreciate knowing where they come before they arrive. Presumeably so he knows which stereotype to project upon them and so he can plan how to mistreat them.

This is starting to not be funny anymore.

In other news, I LOVE Craig's List. They have saved my lazy not-buying-tickets-in-time hiney TWICE already this summer. Craig, you're a winner in my book. a BIG winner.


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