Voice Recognition

This just happened to me at work. To set the stage, I had to call a phone company to inquire about the telephone numbers at Wedmore Place and how to switch our toll-free line over to the other building.

Phone recording: Hello, you have reached Cavalier Telephone company. Please state the telephone number of your account.

Me: 7-5-7-2-5-8-0-8-9-9

Phone recording: 7-9-7-3-5-2-0-5-9-9 (Pause) Is that correct?

Me: Not even close.

Phone recording: You can speak to me like you would a normal phone operator.

Me: I don't think you want me to do that.

Phone Recording: Please state the telephone number of your account.

Me: 7-5-7-2-5-8-0-8-9-9

Phone Recording: 7-3-6-3-2-9-0-5-8-8 (Pause) Is that correct?

Me: Are you SERIOUS??

Phone Recording: You can speak to me like you would a normal phone operator.

Me: Can I also punch you in the face?

Phone Recording: Please state the telephone number of your account.

Me: Heaven help us. 7-5-7-2-5-8-0-8-9-9

Phone Recording: 2-7-8-0-6-4-1-3-8-5


Phone Recording: You can speak to me like you would a normal phone operator.

At this point I hang up because I need both hands to smack my head repeatedly and smear down my face in frustration.

A few minutes later I mustered the courage to call again.

Phone recording: Hello, you have reached Cavalier Telephone company. Please state the phone number of your account.

Me (with fingers crossed): 7-5-7-2-5-8-0-8-9-9

Phone recording: 7-2-7-4-5-8-1-2-9-9 (Pause) Is that correct?

Me: (deep breathing) okay, we're gonna do this ONE more time.

Phone recording: You can speak to me like you would a normal phone operator.

Me: HA! can we just get on with this?

Phone recording: Please state the telephone number of your account.

Me: sev-en fiiiive sev-en twooooo fiiiiive eeeiiiiight
zeeeeroooo eeeeiiiight niiiiiine niiiiine

Phone recording: 7-5-7-2-5-8-0-8-9-9 (Pause) Is that correct?

Me: YES!! Yes! It's correct!! It's correct! WOOOO!!!!

Phone recording: Please hold while I connect you.

Me: WOOOO!!!!... oh... hello... sorry... I'm just excited that... um, nevermind. so here's the thing.....

When I finally got off the phone I just started laughing hilariously. I felt like I had just been experiencing a comedy sketch of some sort. Anyway, despite the original frustration, it brightened an otherwise dull Thursday.


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