My Favorite Student?
Since April, I have been e-mailing back and forth with a student who has a particularly passionate way of writing e-mails. One of these e-mails was featured in an earlier post , but I feel the need to pursue this character sketch. The first thing I noticed about her was the subject lines of her e-mails, which read like this: ( I'll change her name and call her Lola.) Kuwaiti Lola Urgent/Kuwaiti Lola Urgent/Lola Lola/ HELP! LOLA Lola Lola/hi Lola/hi again She starting e-mailing me in April, five months before her scheduled arrival in the US. As you'll see, she's not one that likes uncertainty, and a forward-thinker. She's been in English courses since the fall and is hoping to start her studies at a university next academic year. We have been working together on finding admission for her. I suspect she encounters difficulty because of her English. It's certainly not for want of earnestness. I love how she starts out identif...